Why Montessori? 

What makes Montessori activities different is that each and every one has been designed and developed to aid a specific element of the child’s development. 


ARE CHILD DIRECTED – Montessori activities are self-motivated; the child has freedom (within limits) to choose their own work.

HAVE CONTROL OF ERROR – Montessori materials and activities typically have a control of error for self-correction and learning.

INVOLVE THE SENSES - Maria Montessori found that young children learn through their senses so materials often involve sensorial input/output.

ARE HANDS ON – Children learn by doing, even abstract concepts can be introduced in a hands on way.

ISOLATE CONCEPTS – Montessori materials focus on one concept or break complicated learning into steps. Sometimes the tasks appear simplistic but the emphasis on one task helps children perfect the necessary steps.

AID INDEPENDENCE – Children gain confidence and pride due to the way the activities are set up; they are created in an orderly, inviting way and condition and contain all that is required to complete the task.

EMPHASISE CONCENTRATION – Montessori work is able to be repeated; this along with the freedom of time, allows children to engage in deep concentration and develop attention to detail.

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